Steamboat- An implement for cooking at the table consisting of an annular vessel containing cooking liquor (stock) around a circular chimney at the base of which is a source of heat. Prepared food is cooked by diners usingfondue forks, chop sticks or wire mesh baskets. Various dips are usually supplied and the stock is often consumed after all the solid food has been cooked and eaten.
5th of Dec. A day where we 6 Faraday-ians held our class party in Pn Phung's house in Puchong to commemorate the end of our exams :) It's a night filled with fun and food. Lots of food. Reaching the venue early has it's own perks. First you get to visit all the beautiful houses there. Gives you plenty of ideas on your future dream house. Secondly, you get to help teacher clean her house and prepare the food. With lots of vegetables to wash and cut.
Soon everyone arrived and it was time to dig in. Everyone chat with each other. We even ate the kimchi that our fellow lovely classmates made. Sadly, there was a lot of food left behind. We also went for a walk around the housing area and have lots of pictures.
The finale was celebrating the November and December babies birthday. Everyone had fun and we depart when the time comes. All the best to us Faradians and hope to meet up soon.