Monday, May 25, 2015


May has been a month filled with interviews for local uni. Thus, I shall write my experiences here :)

On the 12th, I went for USM interview for Graphic Communications. I was supposed to come again tomorrow for the Design and New Media Tech course, however I was thankfully able to move it to the same day. After registration, we were located into a room with three bottle waters, a potted plant and a mini dustbin placed on top a table. We had to sketch what we saw on the table for 30 mins. Since my drawing skills were terrible, I took the majority of my time drawing it with colours when the other candidates were busy sketching theirs with pencil. After that, we wait for our turn to get called in for interview.

They called in the candidates on a first come, first served basis based on the course they wanted to interview first. In a total accumulate, I have waited nearly for 4-5 hours to be interviewed for both courses. The graphic comms interview had 3 candidate per round where else the other course was 4-5 ppl per round. Basically, they'll ask us to introduce ourselves to the fellow interviewers and have a look at our portfolios.

For Graphic Comm, the questions asked were:

  1. Why should you further your studies in this particular field when even a Form5/Standard4 kid can even do graphics by themselves?
  2. What are the aspects from the billboard that attracts you?
  3. How does graphic communication plays a role in your life?

For Design and New Media Technology:
  1. What's the difference between multimedia and new media?
  2. Named some of the famous designers. (will ask for locals)
  3. Persuade us to buy a product from you, included in the name, catchphrase and product details.
  4. Give 2 reasons why we should select you to be in our school.
For the 1st question in design, everyone was dumbfounded. Luckily, the answer I gave them was nearly there but missing out on a few points. Yay me ^.^  Thankfully all was well and I was able to get back home to prepare for my first day of work at TCD.

On the 25th, I had my interview for UM's Dance course. Funnily only 4 out of 30 applicants turn up for the interview. We had to listen to a talk by the Dean of the Faculty for an hour and we were given Q&A sessions with him. Afterwards, we did a written test for half an hour on tell us about a dance and explain your reasons of entering this course. 

Interview session started off with a simple 'How are you?'. It later leads on to who introduce you to this course and tell us what did they say about it. Questions vary for each candidate regarding the portfolio certificates they bring. We had an audition where we had to prepare a 3-4min long song. The nerve wrecking part is that they also video your performance. XP Lastly to finish off the session, we had a demo class with one of the lectures there. It was a really fun experience to go to :)

I do hope everyone enjoyed their interview sessions. Good luck to all the STPMers.